Monday, 1 July 2013

[DIET] What does 200 Calories look like? PART 1

You know, many people don't know how much calories they have eaten today. So, now, I will tell you about  what does 200 calories look like, using the food that we usually eat everyday.

385 grams of apples = 200 Calories

588 grams of broccoli = 200 calories

1425 grams/1,42 kg of celery = 200 calories

150 grams of eggs = 200 calories

290 grams of grapes = 200 calories

553 grams of melon = 200 calories

475 grams of red onions = 200 calories

333 ml of calories = 200 calories

But then, we move to this foods and drink below...

492 ml of CocaCola = 200 calories

125 grams of avocado = 200 calories

40 grams of M&M = 200 calories

It doesn't look that much, right? Because it contains a lot of fat, sugar, and carbs.

But then you ask me, why does the milk contains  the same calories as coca-cola, but the milk is not at the equal amount with coca-cola?
The answer is easy. Coca cola contains nothing but sugar and carbs, but milk contains a lot of vitamins and minerals! Right? Look at the coca-cola nutrition table VS milk nutrition table below!

240mL of Milk


240 mL of Coca Cola

Which one that you will choose? Well, it is still up to you. 

Thanks For Reading!
Have a nice day!

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