Tuesday, 2 July 2013

[DIET] Slim and beautiful legs? Why not?

So, girls, I understand that we really adores slim and beautiful legs. But, there is many of us who.... didn't have one.  But don't worry! ^^ Now i will tell you, HOW TO GET A BEAUTIFUL LEGS, with this 6 short-exercise.

1. Goblet Squat

1. Relax and straighten your body
2. Hold the dumbell with your hands, in front of your chest
3. Do squats
4. Keep your back straighten
5. Hold your position for a second
6. Back to the first position
7. Repeat this exercise/moves 15 times
1. Tubuh rileks dan tegak
2. Pegang dumbel dengan kedua tangan, didepan dada
3. Lakukan gerakan squats (jongkok)
4. Punggung tetap tegak
5. Pertahankan posisi untuk beberapa saat
6. Kembali ke posisi awal
7. Ulangi gerakan selama 15 kali

2. Single Leg Deadlift

1. Straighten your body, hold a dumbell in one or both hands.
2. Lift your right foot, and bend your foot a little.
3. Lean your body
4. Hold your position for a second
5. Back to the first position, and repeat 15 times for each foot.
1. Tegakkan tubuh, pegang dumbel di salah satu tangan atau kedua tangan.
2. Angkat kaki kanan ke belakang, lalu tekuk sedikit
3. Condongkan tubuh kedepan
4. Tahan posisi untuk beberapa saat
5. Kembali ke posisi awal, lalu ulang gerakan selama 15 kali untuk kedua kaki

3. Squat Jump

1. Do the squat position.
2. Jump as high as you can
3. Repeat this moves for 15 times
1. Posisi jongkok
2. Lompat setinggi mungkin
3. Lakukan gerakan selama 15 kali

4. Dumbell lungs and rotation

1. Straighten and relax your body
2. Hold the dumbell below your chin
3. Move your right foot the the front
4. Rotate your body to the right side
5. Back to the first position
6. Repeat 15 times for both side
1. Berdiri tegap dan rileks
2. Pegang dumbel dibawah dagu
3. Langkahkan kaki kanan ke depan
4. Putar tubuh ke kanan
5. Kembali ke posisi awal
6. Ulangi gerakan selama 15 kali untuk kedua sisi

5. Squat Thrust

1. Stand up
2. Lower your body, like you want to do the squat moves
3. Then do the push-up position
4. Back to the second position
5. Stand up, then repeat for 15 times
1. Berdiri tegak
2. Turunkan badan seperti ingin melakukan squat
3. Lalu posisikan badan seperti ingin push-up
4. Kembali ke posisi sebelumnya
5. Berdiri lalu ulangi gerakan 15 kali

6. Butt Kick
1. Straighten your body and relax your back
2. Clod your fist
3. Move your foot, until your heel almost touched your butt 
4. Do this moves alternately for your feet
5. Repeat for 2 minutes
1. Tegakkan tubuh dan punggung rileks
2. Kepal tangan
3. Gerakkan kaki sampai tumit hampir menyentuh bokong
4. Lakukan gerakan secara bergantian untuk kedua kaki
5. Ulangi selama 2 menit

So, Girls! That's all of the exercises for the slim and beautiful legs! Do it routinely and i hope you will get that beautiful legs~! ^^

Thanks For Reading!
Good Luck!

source : duniafitnes.com

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