No one likes to be fat.
I understand that there's a lot of girls (and also guys!) out there who had problems with their body. But, you know, there is also some girls that didn't really care about their weight. Or maybe there's "chubby" girls who don't know about HOW to lose their weight. know. If you keep the fats and didn't do anything to burn it, there's a lot of health risks that might take your happiness later. Just like... diabetes, or cancer.
So, now! I will give you some tips to lose weight in a healthy way! ^^
- Avoid sweets, and eat LESS carbohydrate and fat. Eat more PROTEINS!
- EXERCISE 3-4 times a week, 45 minutes per section.
- Do 1200 calorie diet.
- DO NOT sleep late. Sleep 7-8 hours a day.
- Check the nutrition table everytime you buy a food.
- Do not eat everything on the buffet dinner / lunch.
- Avoid snacks. (potato chips, for example.)
- DO NOT SKIP breakfast. It helps your metabolism system to work 10-30% faster!]
- DO NOT use any DIET PILLS, ok?
-What kind of exercise that you usually do?
I love to dance, run, or swim. Oh, i also do some sit-up, push-up, or back-up. :)
-Why should i exercise for 45 minutes?
Well, you know, for the first 20 minutes, your body WON'T burn the fat. It will burn the carbohydrate first. So, if you want to burn those fats EFFECTIVELY, you should exercise for 45 minutes. ^^
-What kind of proteins that you usually eat?
Fish, meats and eggs! Those are my favourites all the time! But make sure that you didn't FRY it. ^^ (at least, use olive oil if you want to fry it. It has zero calories)
-I can't stop eating those sweets! What should i do?
If really love sweets, then choose min. 70% DARK CHOCOLATE and add ZERO CALORIE sugar to your beverages. It is better than any sweets.
Margarine for sure. But choose the non-trans fat margarine.
Here is my before-after photo after 2 YEARS of DIET.
(Some irresponsible online shop took this a.k.a my photo to SELLS their diet pills. If you see those online shop who used my photo, PLEASE CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELY)
Any questions that you want to ask me?
Add my facebook or follow me on twitter. ^_^ (check the previous post for my account links!)
Thanks For Reading!
Have a nice diet!